Developer Guide¶
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this package using project=DM and labels=ts_standardscripts.
Python API reference¶
lsst.ts.standardscripts Package¶
Reformat single instance of the attribute |
Format two input values into lists with the same lengths. |
Generate an s3 bucket object. |
Get the absolute path to the scripts directory. |
Reformat a topic command time from TAI unix to UTC. |
Extend BaseScript to add support for executing blocks. |
A base Script that implements pointing the telescope to a fixed Az/El/Rot position. |
Base class for Script tests. |
Mute Watcher alarm(s) for a given amount of time. |
A script to pause the script queue. |
Run a command from a CSC and, optionally, wait for an event once the command finishes. |
Set the summary state for one or more CSCs. |
Sleep for a given amount of time. |
Discover all running CSCs and send them all to OFFLINE state. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
lsst.ts.standardscripts.auxtel Package¶
Disable ATAOS corrections as a stand alone operation. |
Enable ATAOS corrections as a stand alone operation. |
Enable all ATCS components. |
Enable all LATISS components. |
Perform a focus sweep by taking images at different focus positions with LATISS. |
Perform a sequence of exposures for a given set of instrument configurations. |
Put ATCS components in offline. |
Put LATISS components in offline. |
Perform an ATAOS offset. |
Perform an ATCS offset. |
Auxiliary Telescope point_azel script. |
Run prepare for flat on ATCS. |
Run ATTCS startup. |
Run ATTCS shutdown. |
Put ATCS components in standby. |
Put LATISS components in standby. |
Stop telescope and dome. |
Stop telescope and dome tracking. |
Take a series of images with the ATCamera with set exposure times. |
Take a series of stuttered images with LATISS. |
Execute a Slew/Track operation with the Auxiliary Telescope. |
Track target and take image script. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
lsst.ts.standardscripts.maintel Package¶
Apply a DOF to the main telescope, either bending mode or hexapod offset. |
Extend BaseScript to add support for executing blocks. |
Closed loop script. |
Encapsulates camera object, its configuration, and a unique identifier. |
Run Closed Loop with ComCam. |
Run closed loop with LSSTCam. |
Run open mirror covers on MTCS. |
Disable compensation mode for M2 and/or Camera Hexapods. |
Enable all ComCam components. |
Enable compensation mode for M2 and/or Camera Hexapods. |
Enable all MTCS components. |
Perform a focus sweep by taking images at different focus positions with ComCam. |
Perform a focus sweep by taking images at different focus positions with LSSTCam. |
Home azimuth and elevation axes of the MTMount. |
High level library for the Main Telescope Control System |
Move Telescope using point to point trajectory instead of traditional slew/tracking. |
Put ComCam components in offline. |
Put MTCS components in offline. |
Perform a camera hexapod offset or reset operation. |
Perform a m2 hexapod offset or reset operation.. |
Perform an MTCS offset. |
Run open mirror covers on MTCS. |
Main Telescope point_azel script. |
ScriptState constants. |
Set absolute positions DOF to the main telescope, either bending mode or hexapod position. |
Setup MTCS components so they are ready for operation. |
Put ComCam components in standby. |
Put MTCS components in standby. |
Stop telescope and dome. |
A script that executes stop_rotator method for |
Take aos sequence, either triplet (intra-focal, extra-focal and in-focus images), intra doublets (intra and in-focus) or extra doublets (extra and in-focus) sequences with ComCam. |
A script for taking images concurrently with ComCam, LSSTCam, and/or one or more Generic Cameras. |
Take images with ComCam. |
Take images with LSSTCam. |
Take a series of stuttered images with ComCam. |
Take a series of stuttered images with LSSTCam. |
Execute a Slew/Track operation with the Main Telescope. |
Track target and take image script. |
Track target and take image script with one more Generic Cameras. |